the void's song (2022)
Zine, Spotify
the void’s song is about the songs that find us—the brown girls—when we need them to, and the songs that don’t find us at all, and the words we borrow to talk about things, and the hope that the universe is somehow taking over our playlists and trying to tell us it loves us and that it’s taking care of us in its own way. This interactive zine tells the story of the void’s song, the Spotify AI, as it attempts to locate the brown girls through song. I asked 10 Brown women to create playlists made of 10 to 15 songs. The first 5 songs in each playlist are songs that remind them of the homes they found and the ones they lost. The rest are songs that are curated using the Spotify adding function, thus allowing Spotify to respond back to their suggestions of home.